1. Shayna says:

    Love it! Thank you for sharing your experience and your heart with us. That young mom is going to be blessed just because you went out of your comfort zone. She may or may not ever contact you again, but I guarantee she will always remember the wonderful woman on the plane who listened and offered a loving response to her. Thank you for being Jesus’ eyes and ears that day!

    • admin says:

      Thank you all, Shayna, Melanie, Nancy, Jess, Ricki, your words are kind and speaking into my heart. I just shared my story with my moms group and clearly amazed how God is working in my heart. Truly a moving experience. Blessings!

  2. Melanie says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart, Jasmine. The young mom on the plane will be forever impacted by your encounter as she was fertile ground for the seeds of hope you planted. Oh, and the the spa morning, you deserved it too 🙂

  3. Nancy Bowerman says:

    I loved reading this! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and listening to the Lord! Blessings to you, Nancy

  4. Jess Bland says:

    Beautiful story J! I always knew you were a wonderful God-loving woman. ;o)

    Thanks for sharing and maybe prompting others to listen to their nudges from God.

  5. admin says:

    Thank you Ricki, it was so fun to have met you too and hear you speak. I appreciate your kind words and am sure our paths will cross again. I’m gfree and corn free…talk about a toughie!

  6. […] I giving myself some grace for how I have been feeling. It has been two weeks since my last post on My Heavy Heart and quite a bit has happened. You see, when God rocks your world, someone else wants to rock it […]

  7. […] my faith, I am noticing I am really hungry for spiritual growth. Earlier this year, when I had my Teen Mom moment on the airplane, I reached out to someone asking them for spiritual guidance. They forwarded […]

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